

Basic Number Pattern Programs In Java

Basic Number Pattern Programs In Java

In this post, I am going to teach you about Basic Number Pattern  Programs in Java. If you want to learn Java pattern programs, you need to know about Java Loops and Nested Loop first. In this previous post, I taught about Java Loops. And also taught about Java star pattern Programs. If you want information about it, you can get it from the link given below.

In this post, I am going to teach you how to print Java number pattern programs. This will make your loops concepts stronger. And these Number Pattern programs are going to be very beneficial for beginners or freshers. You will find it very useful in software development or web development. It is very important to learn these things well to handle the data on the online server.

And most importantly, the program will teach you how to dry-run the program. So you will notice the flow of the program, and with its help, you can fix the bugs in the program.

Three types of patterns are printed in the JAVA programming language.
  • Number Pattern Programs
  • Star Pattern Programs
  • Character Pattern Programs

Number Pattern Program Examples with Solutions

Now I am going to teach the top 5 basic number pattern programs in java. You will also find solutions. You can also download the Dry-Run file of the Microsoft Excel Sheet.

1. Simple Number Pattern Program

 //Java Program Pattern Programs by  
 class NumberPatternDemo{  
   public static void main(String[] args){  
     //Similar digit's right angle triangle.  
     //Outer Loops for rows.  
     for(int i=1; i<=4; i++){  
       //Innter loops for printing cols.  
       for(int j=1; j<=i; j++){  
         //Printing digit's here.  
         System.out.print("1 "); //or you can take a variable here to print digit.  
       //For new line.  
     //If outer loop condition is false then exit from the code.  

2. Right Angle Triangle Number Pattern Program
 //Java Program Pattern Programs by  
 class NumberPatternDemo{  
   public static void main(String[] args){  
     //Initialize variables for printing numbers  
     int num = 1;  
     //Similar digit's right angle triangle.  
     //Outer Loops for rows.  
     for(int i=1; i<=4; i++){  
       //Innter loops for printing cols.  
       for(int j=1; j<=i; j++){  
         //Printing digit's here.  
         System.out.print(num+" ");   
       //For new line.  
     //If outer loop condition is false then exit from the code.  

3. One to Four Repeat Number Pattern Program
 //Java Program Pattern Programs by  
 class NumberPatternDemo{  
   public static void main(String[] args){  
     //Similar digit's right angle triangle.  
     //Outer Loops for rows.  
     for(int i=1; i<=4; i++){  
       //Initialize variables for printing numbers  
       int num = 1;  
       //Innter loops for printing cols.  
       for(int j=1; j<=i; j++){  
         //Printing digit's here.  
         System.out.print((num++)+" ");   
       //For new line.  
     //If outer loop condition is false then exit from the code.  

4. One to Ten Number Pattern Program
 //Java Program Pattern Programs by  
 class NumberPatternDemo{  
   public static void main(String[] args){  
     //Initialize variables for printing numbers  
     int num = 1;  
     //Similar digit's right angle triangle.  
     //Outer Loops for rows.  
     for(int i=1; i<=4; i++){  
       //Innter loops for printing cols.  
       for(int j=1; j<=i; j++){  
         //Printing digit's here.  
         System.out.print(num +" ");   
       //For new line.  
     //If outer loop condition is false then exit from the code.  

 //Java Program Pattern Programs by  
 class NumberPatternDemo{  
   public static void main(String[] args){  
     //Initialize variables for printing numbers  
     int num = 1;  
     //Similar digit's right angle triangle.  
     //Outer Loops for rows.  
     for(int i=1; i<=4; i++){  
       //Innter loops for printing cols.  
       for(int j=1; j<=i; j++){  
         //Printing digit's here.  
         System.out.print( (num*num) +" ");   
       //For new line.  
       //Increment Number  
     //If outer loop condition is false then exit from the code.  

Practice well and become an expert in Java programming. With the help of these basic star pattern programs you can solve the next pattern yourself

Java Number Pattern Programs Examples for Practise

Solve the following Java Number Pattern Programs on your skills. And if not, the solutions will be found in the next post.

1. One to Four-Number Cube  Pattern Program
 8 8   
 27 27 27  
 64 64 64 64  
2. Reverse Right Angle Triangle Number Pattern Programs
 4 3 2 1  
 3 2 1  
 2 1  

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